[eas_cs_seminars] 14th November

Luca Rossi l.rossi at aston.ac.uk
Mon Nov 13 14:26:43 GMT 2017

Hi all,

Chris decided to save the day by offering to hold a seminar tomorrow
(thanks Chris!). So, it's my pleasure to announce that tomorrow Chris will
give a talk titled "An odyssey of sirens, sorcery, and shipwreck for mental
health informatics" from 2pm to 3pm in MB404A. Please find the abstract



Abstract: It is notoriously difficult to get research out into practice for
medical informatics in general and clinical decision support systems
(CDSSs) in particular. Mycin was one of the earliest and most famous CDSS
but was never used even though it had good laboratory performance. This
pattern has been repeated ever since and much has been written on the
barriers in the way of health informatics. This talk will explore these
barriers using the experiences of the developers of GRiST, a CDSS for
assessing and managing risks associated with mental health problems. GRiST
was based on ideas coming out of a PhD thesis and was very much driven by a
research agenda in the first stages. It began in 2000 and was first rolled
out as a software system within secondary-care mental health in 2010. It's
reach has extended to primary care and the community since then but each
step has been slow and painful. This presentation will use the metaphor of
Homer's Odyssey as an illustration of the perils and pitfalls that make the
journey from research conception to the real world so painful. The
journey's end is increasingly important from the academic REF perspective
but also if we want to benefit society in general.

Luca Rossi

Lecturer in Computer Science
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Aston University
Web: http://www.cs.aston.ac.uk/~rossil/ <http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~rossil/>
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