[eas_cs_seminars] 24th January 2017

Luca Rossi l.rossi at aston.ac.uk
Tue Jan 17 11:55:25 GMT 2017

Hi all,

Tuesday *24/01* Raghavendra Raj (Aston KTP Associate) will give a talk
from *2pm
to 3pm* in *MB220*. The details of the talk are below.

Title: Business Intelligence Solution for an SME: a Case Study

Abstract: Business Intelligence (BI) leverages the usefulness of existing
information. It equips business users with relevant information to perform
various analyses to make key business decisions. Over the last two decades,
BI has become a core strategy for the growth of many companies, in
particular large corporations. However, studies show that small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) lag behind in implementation and
exploitation of BI solutions. To stay ahead of the competition, SMEs must
be able to monitor and effectively use all of their resources, in
particular information resources, to assist them in making important
business decisions. We have examined the challenges such as lack of
technical expertise and limited budget when implementing a BI solution
within an SME in the UK. In light of our experiences in tackling these
issues, this seminar discusses how these challenges can be overcome through
applying various tools and strategies and the potential benefits.

Luca Rossi

Lecturer in Computer Science
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Aston University
Web: http://www.cs.aston.ac.uk/~rossil/ <http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~rossil/>
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