From D.Cornford at Wed Dec 15 10:07:22 2010 From: D.Cornford at (Cornford, Dan) Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 10:07:22 +0000 Subject: [Uncertweb-public] Conference: EGU 2011 session on Uncertainty in Environmental Data and Models (ESSI8) - invitation to submit abstracts Message-ID: <> Hi all, we are organising a session at EGU this year on Uncertainty - see below. We'd be keen to have a strong showing from UncertWeb, and we hope this provides an opportunity for a dialogue between a range of applications and theoretical approaches to managing uncertainty. Please consider submitting an abstract for this meeting ... we'll also try and have an informal UncertWeb meeting at EGU. cheers Dan Dear Colleague, We would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the session ESSI8: Uncertainty in Environmental Data and Models at the forthcoming European Geophysical Union (EGU) 2011 conference. We'd welcome submissions related to statistical approaches to managing uncertainty in environmental problems. We are organising the session to promote a dialogue between a range of disciplines including statistics, maths, philosophy, computer science and informatics, and applied environmental science (atmosphere, ocean, hydrology, geophysics, etc). The aim to have a session which treats issues cutting across the traditional EGU themes, since we think that uncertainty is a fundamental and generic issue in all observing and modelling applications. Full details can be found below, and at: We invite abstracts of 400-600 words on topics within this area. Instructions on how to prepare an abstract can be found here: Abstract submission deadline is 10 January 2011 and the URL is: The EGU 2011 will be held in Vienna 3-8 April 2011: This website has details about the conference. I hope you will consider submitting something to our session and please feel free to pass this on to interested parties, yours sincerely, Dan Cornford, Edzer Pebesma, Stefano Nativi, Gerard Heuvelink (with apologies for cross posting) --- ESSI8 Uncertainty in Environmental Data and Models Convener: Dan Cornford Co-Conveners: Stefano Nativi , Edzer Pebesma , Gerard Heuvelink This session explores the representation, estimation, propagation and use (visualisation, decision making) of uncertainty in environmental systems. Presentations are encouraged on: - informatics approaches to managing and propagating uncertainty, including mechanisms for representing, propagating and visualising uncertainty; - theoretical aspects of uncertainty and its management, including conceptual frameworks and modern developments in managing uncertainty (e.g. emulators / surrogate model approaches); - theoretical and applied work on observation uncertainties, including attempts to quantify, estimate or infer observational uncertainties. Links to data quality concepts and issues of spatial and temporal support (of both observations, reality and models); - theoretical and applied work on model error (or discrepancy modelling), the link between models and reality, the role of observations (model calibration under uncertainty) and the role of models / approximations in scientific study; - practical applications within which uncertainty quantification plays a key role, or is a major focus. The session seeks to bring together practitioners from various disciplines including statistics, mathematics, philosophy, computer science, informatics and environmental science broadly to explore and define the state of the art in managing uncertainty in environmental data and models. The aim is to have a presentation of the key issues in uncertainty management across the environmental sciences, both from a theoretical and an applied perspective. The best contributions may be asked to provide a full manuscript to be published in a special issue of an international journal. ------------------------------------------- Dr Dan Cornford Reader, Computer Science and NCRG Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET www: tel: +44 (0)121 204 3451 mob: 07766344953 -------------------------------------------